Monday, 12 March 2012

Baby Legs Recap!

Last week I mentioned that I made a pair of baby leggings for Morgan. I could easily indulge myself and buy a million pairs of these for my little love bug, but I haven't been able to bring myself to pay $15 for each set!

I decided to make some and it honestly took me 20 minutes to make 2 pairs. (I made a matching pair for my sweet niece, Silvia). I followed a few different sets of directions that I had found through Pinterest and I think they turned out alright :)

You will need: Socks, Scissors, Thread, and Sewing Machine

Step One: Buy a pair of socks. Should have been knee socks, but this was all they had. Luckily Morgan's legs are still super short :) These were only $2 at WalMart… can't beat that for a trial run!

Step Two: Cut off heel and toe.

Step Three: Take the piece from between the foot and heel. Fold it inside itself. I'm going to call this piece a tube.

Step Four: Slide the remaining piece inside the new tube. Make sure to line up the unfinished edges.

 Step Five: Sew 1/4 inch all the way around, through all 3 layers. I chose to do this twice around, just to be sure!

Step Six: After sewing, flip the tube portion right side out.

 Step Seven: Find a cute baby to use as a model!

What a fun project this was! Can't wait to make more. I am thinking about making some funky non-matching ones out of all the stray socks I have not been able to bring myself to throw out!

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